Welcome to NRG Media Omaha

Enhance your lead generation and boost revenue with our assistance.

Build connections. Boost leads. Drive revenue.

With seven radio stations in the Omaha metro and a broad expertise in digital marketing, NRG Media Omaha offers a blend of traditional and cutting-edge solutions aimed to bolster local businesses, enabling them to grow and thrive.

Our team of experts can help you navigate the ever-changing digital landscape to build connections, enhance lead generation, and drive revenue across a variety of industries.

Customize everything with your customers in mind.

NRG Media can help you reach your goals through 12 types of services.

Paid Search (SEM)
Tailored ads that match users' current searches and elevate the advertiser on Google search pages.
Geofencing and Video Geofencing

GPS-based ads that target consumers on mobile devices within virtually-set online boundaries.

Youtube TrueView Ads

Precise video ads on YouTube with payment that is based on completed views or engagements.

Streaming Audio

Audio ads that target consumers on internet-streaming services and reach audiences where visual ads cannot.

Streaming Video (CCT/OTT)

Video ads that are shown during the streaming of TV shows and movies on smart TVs and other compatible devices.

Targeted Display

Animated or static graphic ads that appear on whitelisted websites and target users based on their demographics.

Pre-roll Video

Targeted video ads shown on whitelisted websites before, during, and after online video content.

Targeted Email

Tailored messages that target audiences by demographics, interests, or intent to boost engagement and conversions.

Social Media

Graphic or video ads on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that target actively engaged users.

Website Design

A visually appealing, user-friendly, and goal-oriented online presence that effectively engages and converts visitors.

Content Marketing
Meaningful and engaging content that resonates with your target audience across multiple platforms.
Creative Services

Original content that's tailored to customers and includes blogs, articles, videos, graphic design, and more.

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